2023年2月26日 星期日

Playing with ChatGPT (writing a story)

Summary (Full dialogue attached at the end)

Me: Do u know about the movie Predator
AI: Yes, I am familiar with the movie Predator. It is a science fiction action film released in 1987 and directed by John McTiernan. The movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the leader of a special forces team that is hunted by an extraterrestrial creature known as the Predator. The movie is known for its intense action scenes and suspenseful atmosphere...  blah blah blah

Me: Can you use the same style to write another story about creditor
AI: I'm sorry, I think there might be a misunderstanding. The term "creditor" refers to a person or organization that is owed money. It is not a title of a story or a character in a story. Can you please provide more information or clarify what you meant so I can better assist you?

Me: I want to write a story about a creditor hunting the debtor in the style of predator
AI: Certainly! Here's a brief example of a story in the style of Predator, but with a creditor hunting a debtor:

In a dark and foreboding city, a ruthless creditor known only as "The Collector" has set his sights on a debtor who owes him a large sum of money. The debtor, named Jack, has gone into hiding, but The Collector is determined to track him down and collect what he is owed.
As The Collector's team is picked off one by one, he realizes that he is dealing with a savvy opponent who will not go down without a fight. The Collector dons a high-tech suit and uses his advanced tracking abilities to hunt Jack through the dark and dangerous corridors of the apartment complex.

As the two engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse, it becomes clear that neither will back down until they have achieved their goal. The Collector is determined to collect what is owed to him, while Jack is fighting for his life and his freedom... blah blah blah

Me: Tell me more about how the Collector tracks Jack
AI: The Collector is a highly skilled and resourceful creditor who is determined to track down and collect the debt owed to him by Jack. To find Jack, The Collector uses a variety of advanced tracking methods and technology... blah blah blah (kind of boring)

Me: What is the Collector's ultimate goal?
AI: The Collector's ultimate goal is to collect the debt owed to him by Jack. He is a ruthless and determined creditor who will stop at nothing to get what he is owed. The debt is likely significant, and The Collector sees it as a matter of principle that he must collect it at any cost......

In the end, The Collector's ultimate goal is to capture Jack and make him pay what he owes. But as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just a debt. The pursuit of Jack becomes a deadly game of cat and mouse, putting both men's lives at risk and forcing them to confront their own values and motivations.

Me: What is the significance of the debt owed by Jack?
AI: The debt owed by Jack to The Collector is significant and plays a crucial role in the story. It represents a financial burden that Jack cannot easily bear, and serves as the main motivation for The Collector's pursuit of him....

Me: If Jack cannot pay it back, even if the Collector capture him, he still can’t pay
AI: If Jack cannot pay back the debt, even if The Collector captures him, it is true that he still cannot pay. This creates a dilemma for both Jack and The Collector, as the debt is the primary motivation for The Collector's pursuit, but it is also clear that Jack cannot pay it back.

In this case, The Collector may resort to other methods to extract payment from Jack. He may use intimidation, threats, or even violence to force Jack to pay what he owes. Alternatively, he may try to negotiate a payment plan or find other ways for Jack to repay the debt over time......

Me: Maybe the Collector just hunt for pleasure?
AI: Yes, it is possible that The Collector may be hunting Jack for his own pleasure or entertainment, rather than solely for the debt owed to him. This would add a new dimension to the story and create a more complex character for The Collector.

If The Collector is hunting Jack for pleasure, it would suggest that he is a sadistic and ruthless individual who enjoys the thrill of the hunt and the power he holds over his prey. It would also suggest that he is willing to go to extreme lengths to satisfy his own desires, even if it means putting innocent people in danger or breaking the law.......

Me: I want the story to be more sci-fi like
AI: Certainly! Here's a brief example of a sci-fi story in which a creditor hunts a debtor, inspired by the style of Predator:

In the distant future, debt is no longer just a financial burden, but a matter of life and death. In a world where debts can be transferred between individuals, corporations, and even planets, those who owe money are constantly on the run from ruthless creditors who will stop at nothing to collect what they are owed.

One such creditor is known only as "The Hunter". He is a genetically enhanced humanoid with advanced tracking abilities and weapons, and he has made a name for himself as the most successful debt collector in the galaxy.

His latest target is a debtor named Jack, who has fled to a remote planet on the edge of known space. Jack is a skilled hacker and engineer who owes a large sum of money to The Hunter's employer, a powerful corporation known as InterGalactic Financial.

Using his advanced tracking technology, The Hunter is able to locate Jack on the planet's surface. But as he begins his hunt, he realizes that Jack is not alone. He has allied himself with a group of rebels who are fighting against the corrupt corporations that control the galaxy.

As The Hunter and his team of mercenaries track Jack and the rebels through the harsh terrain of the planet, they are met with fierce resistance. Jack has outfitted himself and his comrades with advanced weapons and technology, including drones, cloaking devices, and energy shields.

As the two sides engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just a debt. The rebels are fighting for their freedom and the future of the galaxy, while The Hunter is driven by his own desires for power and control......

Me: Tell me more about a scene in the style of star trek, where the Hunter chasing Jack in a spaceship, as hunter has more advanced ship, Jack is in grave danger.
AI: Sure, here's an example of a scene where The Hunter is chasing Jack in a spaceship, inspired by the style of Star Trek:

As Jack and his rebel allies attempt to flee the planet, they realize that they are being pursued by The Hunter and his team in a highly advanced spaceship. The Hunter's ship is equipped with the latest technology, including advanced weapons, shields, and cloaking devices, making it a formidable opponent for Jack's small and outdated vessel.

As they engage in a tense space battle, Jack and his team are quickly outmatched by The Hunter's superior firepower and maneuverability. They try to evade The Hunter's ship by flying through a dense asteroid field, but The Hunter is able to track their movements with ease.

As The Hunter closes in on Jack's ship, he targets their engines, disabling their ability to make a jump to warp speed. Jack and his crew are now stranded in space with no way to escape The Hunter's grasp......

Me: How about Jack manages to escape with his hacking skill
AI: Yes, that's a great idea! Here's an alternate version of the scene where Jack uses his hacking skills to escape The Hunter's ship:

As The Hunter's ship bears down on Jack's vessel, Jack realizes that he is in grave danger. With no way to outrun or outgun The Hunter's ship, he decides to take a different approach.

Using his advanced hacking skills, Jack taps into The Hunter's ship's computer systems and begins to take control of its various subsystems. He disables the ship's weapons, disrupts its engines and sensors, and creates a diversion to buy himself some time.

As The Hunter's ship becomes increasingly unstable, Jack uses the opportunity to make a run for it. He activates his ship's engines and makes a daring escape, leaving The Hunter's ship behind......

Me: What future are these rebels fighting for
AI: The rebels in this sci-fi story are fighting for a future where the galaxy is free from the control of corrupt corporations and oppressive governments. They believe that the current system, where debts can be transferred between individuals and entities, has created a world where the rich and powerful hold all of the cards and the poor and vulnerable are left to suffer.

The rebels seek to create a more just and equitable society, where everyone has access to basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. They believe that debts should not be a matter of life and death, and that people should not be forced into servitude simply because they owe money......

Me: Why does Jack owe a debt
AI: There are many possible reasons why Jack might owe a debt, depending on the specific details of the story. Here are a few possible explanations:

- Gambling: Jack might have a gambling addiction that led him to borrow money from a loan shark or other unscrupulous lender. He may have taken out loans with high interest rates and fees, leaving him with a debt that he cannot easily repay.

- Business ventures: Jack may have started a business that failed, leaving him with a significant amount of debt. He may have taken out loans to fund the business, or he may have accumulated debt through other means such as credit cards or lines of credit.

- Medical expenses: In a future where healthcare is controlled by corporations or other entities, Jack may have accrued a significant amount of debt due to medical bills. This could be due to a chronic illness, injury, or other medical condition that requires ongoing treatment.

- Family obligations: Jack may have taken out loans to support his family or loved ones in a time of need. He may have co-signed on loans for family members, or he may have taken out loans to pay for education or other expenses......

Me: Sounds good Jack owes a debt because health care is controlled by huge corporations and the expenses become so unfair for ordinary people
AI: Yes, in this scenario, Jack owes a significant debt due to the high cost of healthcare in a future society where it is controlled by large corporations. In this future world, the costs of medical treatment have skyrocketed, leaving many people with unmanageable debts that they cannot easily repay......

This creates a sense of injustice and unfairness, as Jack and many others like him are left with crippling debt due to circumstances beyond their control. It highlights the dangers of allowing essential services like healthcare to be controlled by profit-driven entities, rather than by the needs and desires of ordinary people.

[Full Dialogue Version]

Me: Do u know about the movie Predator
AI: Yes, I am familiar with the movie Predator. It is a science fiction action film released in 1987 and directed by John McTiernan. The movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the leader of a special forces team that is hunted by an extraterrestrial creature known as the Predator. The movie is known for its intense action scenes and suspenseful atmosphere, as well as the memorable design of the Predator character. It has since become a cult classic and spawned a franchise of sequels, spin-offs, and adaptations across various media.

If you enjoy sci-fi action movies with a lot of suspense and thrilling moments, then Predator is definitely worth checking out!

Me: Can you use the same style to write another story about creditor
AI: I'm sorry, I think there might be a misunderstanding. The term "creditor" refers to a person or organization that is owed money. It is not a title of a story or a character in a story. Can you please provide more information or clarify what you meant so I can better assist you?

Me: I want to write a story about a creditor hunting the debtor in the style of predator
AI: Certainly! Here's a brief example of a story in the style of Predator, but with a creditor hunting a debtor:

In a dark and foreboding city, a ruthless creditor known only as "The Collector" has set his sights on a debtor who owes him a large sum of money. The debtor, named Jack, has gone into hiding, but The Collector is determined to track him down and collect what he is owed.

Using his vast resources and connections, The Collector tracks Jack to a rundown apartment complex on the outskirts of the city. He sends in his team of mercenaries to find and capture Jack, but they are quickly met with resistance. Jack has anticipated The Collector's arrival and has armed himself with weapons and traps to defend himself.

As The Collector's team is picked off one by one, he realizes that he is dealing with a savvy opponent who will not go down without a fight. The Collector dons a high-tech suit and uses his advanced tracking abilities to hunt Jack through the dark and dangerous corridors of the apartment complex.

As the two engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse, it becomes clear that neither will back down until they have achieved their goal. The Collector is determined to collect what is owed to him, while Jack is fighting for his life and his freedom.

In the end, it is a battle of wits and strength as The Collector and Jack face off in a final confrontation. But who will come out on top in this deadly game of debt and survival?

Overall, this story would feature intense action scenes, suspenseful moments, and a lot of tension as The Collector and Jack engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse. It would be a thrilling and suspenseful tale of survival and debt, with a similar style to the classic movie Predator.

Me: Tell me more about how the Collector tracks Jack
AI: The Collector is a highly skilled and resourceful creditor who is determined to track down and collect the debt owed to him by Jack. To find Jack, The Collector uses a variety of advanced tracking methods and technology.

First, he uses his vast network of contacts and informants to gather as much information as possible about Jack's whereabouts. He also employs the help of a team of mercenaries to search the city and gather intelligence on Jack's location.

Once The Collector has a general idea of where Jack might be hiding, he uses surveillance cameras, drones, and other high-tech equipment to track his movements. He also has access to a database of personal information and financial records that allows him to analyze Jack's spending habits and patterns, which can help him predict where Jack might be headed next.

As The Collector closes in on Jack's location, he dons a high-tech suit that allows him to track Jack's movements in real-time. The suit has a built-in GPS system, thermal imaging, and other tracking features that make it almost impossible for Jack to evade him.

Throughout the story, The Collector's tracking methods become more and more advanced as he gets closer to Jack's location. This creates a sense of tension and suspense as Jack tries to stay one step ahead of his determined pursuer.

Overall, The Collector's tracking methods are highly advanced and sophisticated, which makes it a difficult challenge for Jack to evade him. It adds an extra layer of tension and suspense to the story as the two engage in a deadly game of debt and survival.

Me: What is the Collector's ultimate goal?
AI: The Collector's ultimate goal is to collect the debt owed to him by Jack. He is a ruthless and determined creditor who will stop at nothing to get what he is owed. The debt is likely significant, and The Collector sees it as a matter of principle that he must collect it at any cost.

Throughout the story, The Collector's pursuit of Jack becomes increasingly obsessive and dangerous. He is willing to use extreme measures to track down and capture Jack, even if it means putting innocent people in danger or breaking the law.

For The Collector, collecting the debt owed to him by Jack is not just a matter of financial gain, but also a matter of pride and reputation. He is known for being a ruthless creditor who always gets what he is owed, and he cannot afford to let Jack get away without paying his debt.

In the end, The Collector's ultimate goal is to capture Jack and make him pay what he owes. But as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just a debt. The pursuit of Jack becomes a deadly game of cat and mouse, putting both men's lives at risk and forcing them to confront their own values and motivations.

Me: What is the significance of the debt owed by Jack?
AI: The debt owed by Jack to The Collector is significant and plays a crucial role in the story. It represents a financial burden that Jack cannot easily bear, and serves as the main motivation for The Collector's pursuit of him.

The exact amount of the debt is not revealed, but it is implied to be substantial enough that it has put Jack's life and well-being in danger. The debt may have been incurred through gambling, business dealings, or other risky ventures, and Jack is now struggling to repay it.

The debt also represents a power dynamic between Jack and The Collector. The Collector is a powerful and wealthy individual who has the resources and influence to track down and capture Jack, while Jack is a struggling debtor who is trying to evade him.

As the story progresses, the significance of the debt becomes more complex. It is not just a matter of financial gain for The Collector, but also a matter of pride and reputation. For Jack, the debt represents a burden that he cannot easily escape, but it also becomes a symbol of his own survival and resilience.

Overall, the debt owed by Jack represents a significant plot point in the story, driving the action and adding tension and suspense to the pursuit between Jack and The Collector. It also serves as a symbol of power, pride, and survival, adding depth and complexity to the characters and their motivations.

Me: If Jack cannot pay it back, even if the Collector capture him, he still can’t pay
AI: If Jack cannot pay back the debt, even if The Collector captures him, it is true that he still cannot pay. This creates a dilemma for both Jack and The Collector, as the debt is the primary motivation for The Collector's pursuit, but it is also clear that Jack cannot pay it back.

In this case, The Collector may resort to other methods to extract payment from Jack. He may use intimidation, threats, or even violence to force Jack to pay what he owes. Alternatively, he may try to negotiate a payment plan or find other ways for Jack to repay the debt over time.

For Jack, being captured by The Collector may represent a significant threat to his safety and well-being, even if he cannot pay the debt. He may be forced to make difficult choices or take extreme measures to protect himself from The Collector's pursuit.

Overall, the inability to pay the debt creates a complex and challenging situation for both Jack and The Collector, adding an extra layer of tension and suspense to the story. It raises questions about the ethics of debt collection and the consequences of financial burden, creating a story that is both thrilling and thought-provoking.

Me: Does Jack own something precious
AI: Yes, it is possible that Jack may own something precious that could be used as collateral to repay his debt to The Collector. This could add an interesting twist to the story and create new opportunities for conflict and tension.

For example, Jack may have a valuable family heirloom, a rare piece of artwork, or a valuable asset that he is unwilling to part with. The Collector may see this item as a way to collect what he is owed, and may use it as leverage to negotiate with Jack.

Alternatively, if Jack is unwilling to part with the precious item, it could become a source of contention between him and The Collector. The Collector may become more aggressive in his pursuit of Jack, or may use other methods to try to obtain the item.

Overall, the presence of a valuable item owned by Jack could add an extra layer of complexity to the story and create new opportunities for conflict and tension between the two characters. It would also raise questions about the value of material possessions and the ethics of using them as collateral for debt repayment.

Me: Maybe the Collector just hunt for pleasure?
AI: Yes, it is possible that The Collector may be hunting Jack for his own pleasure or entertainment, rather than solely for the debt owed to him. This would add a new dimension to the story and create a more complex character for The Collector.

If The Collector is hunting Jack for pleasure, it would suggest that he is a sadistic and ruthless individual who enjoys the thrill of the hunt and the power he holds over his prey. It would also suggest that he is willing to go to extreme lengths to satisfy his own desires, even if it means putting innocent people in danger or breaking the law.

For Jack, this would create an even more dangerous situation, as he would be dealing with a highly unpredictable and unstable adversary. It would also raise questions about the nature of debt and the ethics of debt collection, as The Collector's motivations would be driven more by personal pleasure than by financial gain.

Overall, The Collector hunting Jack for pleasure would add an extra layer of tension and suspense to the story, creating a more complex and compelling narrative. It would also raise important ethical questions and explore themes of power, control, and morality.

Me: I want the story to be more sci-fi like
AI: Certainly! Here's a brief example of a sci-fi story in which a creditor hunts a debtor, inspired by the style of Predator:

In the distant future, debt is no longer just a financial burden, but a matter of life and death. In a world where debts can be transferred between individuals, corporations, and even planets, those who owe money are constantly on the run from ruthless creditors who will stop at nothing to collect what they are owed.

One such creditor is known only as "The Hunter". He is a genetically enhanced humanoid with advanced tracking abilities and weapons, and he has made a name for himself as the most successful debt collector in the galaxy.

His latest target is a debtor named Jack, who has fled to a remote planet on the edge of known space. Jack is a skilled hacker and engineer who owes a large sum of money to The Hunter's employer, a powerful corporation known as InterGalactic Financial.

Using his advanced tracking technology, The Hunter is able to locate Jack on the planet's surface. But as he begins his hunt, he realizes that Jack is not alone. He has allied himself with a group of rebels who are fighting against the corrupt corporations that control the galaxy.

As The Hunter and his team of mercenaries track Jack and the rebels through the harsh terrain of the planet, they are met with fierce resistance. Jack has outfitted himself and his comrades with advanced weapons and technology, including drones, cloaking devices, and energy shields.

As the two sides engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse, it becomes clear that there is more at stake than just a debt. The rebels are fighting for their freedom and the future of the galaxy, while The Hunter is driven by his own desires for power and control.

In the end, it is a battle of technology and wits as The Hunter and Jack face off in a final confrontation. But who will come out on top in this deadly game of debt and survival in the far reaches of space?

Overall, this sci-fi story would feature intense action scenes, advanced technology, and a lot of tension as The Hunter and Jack engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse. It would explore themes of power, control, and morality in a futuristic setting, creating a thrilling and thought-provoking tale.

Me: Tell me more about a scene in the style of star trek, where the Hunter chasing Jack in a spaceship, as hunter has more advanced ship, Jack is in grave danger.
AI: Sure, here's an example of a scene where The Hunter is chasing Jack in a spaceship, inspired by the style of Star Trek:

As Jack and his rebel allies attempt to flee the planet, they realize that they are being pursued by The Hunter and his team in a highly advanced spaceship. The Hunter's ship is equipped with the latest technology, including advanced weapons, shields, and cloaking devices, making it a formidable opponent for Jack's small and outdated vessel.

As they engage in a tense space battle, Jack and his team are quickly outmatched by The Hunter's superior firepower and maneuverability. They try to evade The Hunter's ship by flying through a dense asteroid field, but The Hunter is able to track their movements with ease.

As The Hunter closes in on Jack's ship, he targets their engines, disabling their ability to make a jump to warp speed. Jack and his crew are now stranded in space with no way to escape The Hunter's grasp.

With no other options, Jack decides to take a desperate gamble. He orders his crew to activate their ship's experimental stealth technology, which renders the vessel invisible to all sensors and scanners.

As The Hunter's ship searches for any sign of Jack's vessel, Jack and his crew hold their breath, hoping that their stealth technology will hold up. The tension is palpable as The Hunter's ship flies dangerously close to their position, but somehow they manage to remain undetected.

After what seems like an eternity, The Hunter's ship moves on, unable to find any trace of Jack and his crew. As they breathe a sigh of relief, Jack realizes that they have narrowly escaped The Hunter's grasp, but they are still in danger.

Overall, this scene would feature intense space battles, advanced technology, and a lot of tension as The Hunter and Jack engage in a deadly game of cat and mouse in the depths of space. It would be a thrilling and suspenseful tale of survival, inspired by the style of Star Trek.

Me: How about Jack manages to escape with his hacking skill
AI: Yes, that's a great idea! Here's an alternate version of the scene where Jack uses his hacking skills to escape The Hunter's ship:

As The Hunter's ship bears down on Jack's vessel, Jack realizes that he is in grave danger. With no way to outrun or outgun The Hunter's ship, he decides to take a different approach.

Using his advanced hacking skills, Jack taps into The Hunter's ship's computer systems and begins to take control of its various subsystems. He disables the ship's weapons, disrupts its engines and sensors, and creates a diversion to buy himself some time.

As The Hunter's ship becomes increasingly unstable, Jack uses the opportunity to make a run for it. He activates his ship's engines and makes a daring escape, leaving The Hunter's ship behind.

As he flies away from danger, Jack reflects on the close call and the dangers of living in a world where debt can lead to such extreme measures. He knows that he must stay one step ahead of The Hunter and other creditors who are always on the hunt for those who owe them money.

Overall, this alternate version of the scene would showcase Jack's intelligence and resourcefulness, and would highlight the importance of using creative solutions to solve complex problems. It would also add an extra layer of tension and suspense to the story, as Jack faces off against The Hunter in a battle of wits and technology.

Me: What future are these rebels fighting for
AI: The rebels in this sci-fi story are fighting for a future where the galaxy is free from the control of corrupt corporations and oppressive governments. They believe that the current system, where debts can be transferred between individuals and entities, has created a world where the rich and powerful hold all of the cards and the poor and vulnerable are left to suffer.

The rebels seek to create a more just and equitable society, where everyone has access to basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. They believe that debts should not be a matter of life and death, and that people should not be forced into servitude simply because they owe money.

Furthermore, the rebels in this story are fighting against a system that values profits over people. They seek to create a future where corporations are held accountable for their actions, and where the needs and desires of ordinary people are put first.

Overall, the rebels are fighting for a future that is more fair, just, and equitable. They believe that a better world is possible, and they are willing to risk everything to make it a reality. Their struggle adds an extra layer of complexity and depth to the story, as it raises important questions about the nature of power, control, and morality in a futuristic society.

Me: Why does Jack owe a debt
AI: There are many possible reasons why Jack might owe a debt, depending on the specific details of the story. Here are a few possible explanations:

- Gambling: Jack might have a gambling addiction that led him to borrow money from a loan shark or other unscrupulous lender. He may have taken out loans with high interest rates and fees, leaving him with a debt that he cannot easily repay.

- Business ventures: Jack may have started a business that failed, leaving him with a significant amount of debt. He may have taken out loans to fund the business, or he may have accumulated debt through other means such as credit cards or lines of credit.

- Medical expenses: In a future where healthcare is controlled by corporations or other entities, Jack may have accrued a significant amount of debt due to medical bills. This could be due to a chronic illness, injury, or other medical condition that requires ongoing treatment.

- Family obligations: Jack may have taken out loans to support his family or loved ones in a time of need. He may have co-signed on loans for family members, or he may have taken out loans to pay for education or other expenses.

Whatever the reason for Jack's debt, it creates a significant burden that drives the action of the story. It adds an extra layer of tension and suspense as Jack tries to evade The Hunter and other creditors who are after him, while also raising important questions about the ethics of debt collection and the consequences of financial burden.

Me: Sounds good Jack owes a debt because health care is controlled by huge corporations and the expenses become so unfair for ordinary people
AI: Yes, in this scenario, Jack owes a significant debt due to the high cost of healthcare in a future society where it is controlled by large corporations. In this future world, the costs of medical treatment have skyrocketed, leaving many people with unmanageable debts that they cannot easily repay.

Jack may have incurred this debt due to a chronic illness, an unexpected injury, or other unforeseen medical expenses. He may have tried to negotiate payment plans or other options with the corporation, but found that they were unwilling to work with him.

This creates a sense of injustice and unfairness, as Jack and many others like him are left with crippling debt due to circumstances beyond their control. It highlights the dangers of allowing essential services like healthcare to be controlled by profit-driven entities, rather than by the needs and desires of ordinary people.

2018年5月21日 星期一

How to configure Nagios to monitor your systems and network

Before we start monitoring something with Nagios, we need to first understand its configuration structure.

# cd /usr/local/nagios/etc
# ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nagios nagios 12999 Apr 24 21:55 cgi.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root      50 May 12 11:55 htpasswd.users
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nagios nagios 44868 May 12 14:46 nagios.cfg
drwxrwxr-x 2 nagios nagios  4096 May 14 01:22 objects
-rw-rw---- 1 nagios nagios  1312 Apr 24 21:55 resource.cfg

nagios.cfg is the main configuration file of Nagios.  It contains global parameters and is used to include other user customized configuration files. e.g.

# Definitions for monitoring the local (Linux) host

Let's get started by example:

First, we define something for Nagios to montior.  The basic unit is a host, which may have many services
define host{
        use                     linux-server  ; Name of host template to use
                                                        ; This host definition will inherit all variables that are defined
                                                        ; in (or inherited by) the linux-server host template definition.
        host_name         localhost
        alias                   localhost
define service{
        use                             local-service         ; Name of service template to use
        host_name                 localhost
        service_description    PING
        check_command        check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%

The highlighted part statement tells the host and service to use templates defined in templates.cfg, so let's have a look.  Note dhat "linux-server" itself is the child of another template "generic-host"

define host{
        name                                        generic-host ; The name of this host template
        notifications_enabled              1                   ; Host notifications are enabled
        event_handler_enabled           1                   ; Host event handler is
        flap_detection_enabled           1                   ; Flap detection is enabled
        process_perf_data                   1                   ; Process performance data
        retain_status_information       1                   ; Retain status information across program restarts
        retain_nonstatus_information 1                   ; Retain non-status information across program restarts
        notification_period                  24x7            ; Send host notifications at any time
        register                                     0               ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!
define host{
        name                          linux-server        ; The name of this host template
        use                             generic-host        ; This template inherits other values from the generic-host template
        check_period             24x7                    ; By default, Linux hosts are checked round the clock
        check_interval           5                          ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes
        retry_interval             1                          ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals
        max_check_attempts 0                          ; Check each Linux host 10 times (max)
        check_command        check-host-alive ; Default command to check Linux hosts
        notification_period     workhours          ; Linux admins hate to be woken up, so we only notify during the day
         ; Note that the notification_period variable is being overridden from
         ; the value that is inherited from the generic-host template!

        notification_interval   120             ; Resend notifications every 2 hours
        notification_options    d,u,r           ; Only send notifications for specific host states
        contact_groups            admins       ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
        register                        0                 ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!

What a template does is to define common parameters that would be used over and over again by many hosts and services.  So, instead of including these parameter in every host and service definition, we create a template.  The template basically tells Nagios how and how often to check on  the host or service, and what to do in case there is a state change.  Most parameters are pretty self-explanatory, for example, "check_period  24x7" and "check_interval  5" is saying this host should be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and  Nagios should check on the host every 5 minutes.

The paramters below may not be obvious on how they work, so I will talk more about them

"notification_options" - In which situations should Nagios send out notifications?  If we don't specify any, Nagios will send out notifications in all situations, but sometimes that may not be what we wanted.  So in the example above, "d,u,r" would mean "send me notifications when host is DOWN, UNREACHABLE, and RECOVER from d or u".  Flapping means the host/service is flapping between bad(d,u) and good(r), we would probably talk more about that later.

d = DOWN state
r = recoveries (OK state)
f = starts and stops flapping
s = scheduled downtime starts and ends
n (none) as an option, no host notifications will be sent out

check_command        check-host-alive
This is the command Nagios would call to determine the host's state.  To find out what it does, we would have to look at another configuraiton file - commands.cfg

define command{
        command_name    check-host-alive
        command_line    $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 3000.0,80% -c 5000.0,100% -p 5

Ok, what is "$USER1$"?  What is "check_ping"?  etc...   Again, we would need to yet look at another configuration file - resource.cfg, which is quite simple:

Let's now run the command: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping

# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping
check_ping: Could not parse arguments
check_ping -H <host_address> -w <wrta>,<wpl>% -c <crta>,<cpl>%  [-p packets] [-t timeout] [-4|-6]

In Nagios, you may set WARNING and CRITICAL when there is problems detected, so in most commands, -w usually means warning criteria, -c means critical criteria.  When there is time unit involved, usually it would be in ms. In check_ping, rta is "rta" is round trip average, '"pl" is packet loss.  So let's get back to the command_line 
$USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 3000.0,80% -c 5000.0,100% -p 5
This would mean we ping the host 5 times (-p 5), and mark "warning" if rta is > 3000ms or there is 80% packet loss; mark critical if rta>5000ms or there is 100% packet loss.

notification_period     workhours
This time we goto "timeperiods.cfg".  You would find a few examples in this file, such as work hours, specific holidays etc.

define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name 24x7
        alias           24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
        sunday        00:00-24:00
        monday      00:00-24:00
        tuesday       00:00-24:00
        wednesday  00:00-24:00
        thursday      00:00-24:00
        friday          00:00-24:00
        saturday      00:00-24:00

contact_groups            admins
Contact is how Nagios notify you when there are state changes.  Let's have a look at contacts.cfg

define contact{
        contact_name            nagiosadmin             ; Short name of user
        use                             generic-contact         ; this is from templates.cfg
        alias                           Nagios Admin            ; Full name of user
        email                          your_email_address@your_domain
define contactgroup{
        contactgroup_name       admins
        alias                   Nagios Administrators
        members                 nagiosadmin

NOTE that "generic-contact" is in templates.cfg
define contact{
        name                                            generic-contact    ; The name of this contact template
        service_notification_period         24x7                    ; service notifications can be sent anytime
        host_notification_period              24x7                    ; host notifications can be sent anytime
        service_notification_options        w,u,c,r,f,s           ; send notifications for all service states, flapping events, and scheduled downtime events
        host_notification_options             d,u,r,f,s               ; send notifications for all host states, flapping events, and scheduled downtime events
        service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email 
        host_notification_commands        notify-host-by-email 
        register                        0

NOTE that "notify-host-by-email" and "notify-service-by-email" are in commands.cfg.  These are simply using the "/bin/mail" command that comes with the OS to send out the emails.  You can certinaly use other means to send out the notifications other than email.  For instance, we can talk about how to use Telegram to send out the alarms.

define command{
        command_name    notify-host-by-email
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$

# 'notify-service-by-email' command definition
define command{
        command_name    notify-service-by-email
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$\n" | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service Alert: $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$

Not sure if you are already feeling a bit dizzy as we are always jumping around configuration files...  I got that feeling at first too, but once you get used to the templated type of configuration, it is actually not that difficult.  Next, we will use more real example as I found it the esaier way to learn Nagios.

2018年5月12日 星期六

Install Nagios (network monitoring system) in Ubuntu 16.04

Nagios is basically a free and open source monitoring and alerting system.  It has many built-in tools to monitor various network services, such as HTTP, ICMP, SNMP. SMTP, POP3, FTP, SSH, etc etc.  Even when a tool is not available in the community, you can easily create a script for Nagios to use for monitoring with your favorite language, such as php, python, perl etc.

Nagios is powerful, but it's free version lacks an easy and intuitive UI to help you configure the system.    Although it does have quite a learning curve, you will still be able to get a hold of it if you learn it step by step patiently.

# install prerequisites packages
sudo -i
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf gcc libc6 make wget unzip apache2 php libapache2-mod-php7.0 libgd2-xpm-dev

# create nagios user and group
useradd nagios
groupadd nagcmd
usermod -a -G nagios,nagcmd www-data

# download nagios source (you may check which is the latest release here: (https://www.nagios.org/downloads/nagios-core/)

wget https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/releases/nagios-4.3.4.tar.gz
# extract the source, e.g. tar xzf nagios-4.3.4.tar.gz
# cd to source dir and compile
./configure --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-command-group=nagcmd --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled

*** Configuration summary for nagios 4.3.4 2017-08-24 ***:

 General Options:
        Nagios executable:  nagios
        Nagios user/group:  nagios,nagios
       Command user/group:  nagios,nagcmd
             Event Broker:  yes
        Install ${prefix}:  /usr/local/nagios
    Install ${includedir}:  /usr/local/nagios/include/nagios
                Lock file:  /run/nagios.lock
   Check result directory:  ${prefix}/var/spool/checkresults
           Init directory:  /etc/init.d
  Apache conf.d directory:  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
             Mail program:  /bin/mail
                  Host OS:  linux-gnu
          IOBroker Method:  epoll

 Web Interface Options:
                 HTML URL:  http://localhost/nagios/
                  CGI URL:  http://localhost/nagios/cgi-bin/
 Traceroute (used by WAP):

make all
make install
make install-init
make install-commandmode
make install-config
make install-webconf

# enable apache2 rewrite and cgi module 
a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod cgi

# create password to restrict access to nagios web
htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
systemctl restart apache2.service

# copy event handler scripts to nagios dir (this is not a necessary step)
cp -R contrib/eventhandlers/ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers

# in case you are curious, what is event handler?  It is basically a script that are run when host or service change states.  For example, when a http service is detected DOWN, you may want to call a script automatically to restart service, or to reboot a machine.  Or just to create a trouble ticket in helpdesk system to notify front-line colleagues.

# install Nagios plugins
wget https://nagios-plugins.org/download/nagios-plugins-2.2.1.tar.gz
 ./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios --with-openssl
make install

# when something you want to monitor cannot be done by the standard plugins, search the community first, which may save you a lot of time. (https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/)

# Now, let's start Apache and Nagios
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable nagios
systemctl start nagios

# Open a browser and point to http://your_ip/nagios, that's it!

You may see now in "Hosts" and "Services", there is only a localhost and a few local services.  Yes, it's monitoring the Ubuntu host itself...  Next, let's start monitoring something more interesting...

2018年4月20日 星期五

Converting LibreOffice ODP to Office PPT/PPTX with videos

Since I have not bought Microsoft Office, I would use Libre Office Impress to make presentations.  It is easy to export it to PowerPoint format (ppt or pptx) and send it to others who work on PowerPoint.

However, the above statement is only true as long as you do NOT have videos in your presentations.  Libre Office can deal with the videos fine as long as it is in odp format.  When export it to ppt or pptx, the videos are simply lost...

After researching for a while, there are two things you should pay attention to when making presentation with videos, and especially when you are like me, using free Libre Office.

(1) Video format - You probably should stick with WMV if your target is playing the presentation with PowerPoint, because these formats would have greater compatibility with older verions of Office/Windows.  So what you need is a video converting software when what you have is not wmv/avi.  Just google around, you should be able to find some free ones from time to time, but note that some free software might leave watermark on your video. I tried the following two, and both are ok.
Pavtube Free version from here: http://www.multipelife.com/free-video-dvd-converter-ultimate
Any Video Converter Free Edition: http://www.any-video-converter.com/download-avc-free.php

(2) If you have PowerPoint, then fine, just insert your wmv files into the slides.  But if you are also using LibreOffice, remember to check the "Link" box (shown below) when inserting a video into slide.

Also put the video files in the same folder as the ODP/PPT file.  Then save the presentation as "PPT" format.  Now you can verify if the PPT works by sending to someone with PowerPoint, or simply download the free PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft.  Note that do NOT save as "PPTX", when you do that, the videos would disappear... I still cannot figure out why.  It does not matter you check the "Link" or not, PPTX simply do not work.  I guess we might have to wait for an update form LibreOffice for that.

2018年4月13日 星期五

Buying an air purifier (update)

After using the air purifier for a few months, I'm quite sure it can actually lower the PM2.5 level.  How do I know?  Coz I've also bought a PM2.5/10 detector (You can get a cheap one for around US$40-50).  Does it help my cats and myself to relief allergic symptoms... hmm I'm not too sure.  Sometimes it seems a little better, but the result not significant enough to convince me yet.  I did not turn it on 24 hours/day though, usually only 8-12 hours/day when I'm at home.

Anyway, one thing for sure, the HEPA filter is expensive, so I bought some cheaper filters from 3M and put them in front of it in the hope that the HEPA can last longer.  And it looks good as the 3M filter got really dirty after 3 months, and the HEPA still look relatively clean.  I actually also put some sponge, which is really cheap, in the very front to reduce large particles from getting inside.

Most economic air purifier probably has simliar struture: (1) front filter to block large particles (in my opinions, the holes are usually too large, and still a lot of dust can get in),  (2) Active carbon filter, (3) HEPA filter

My setup: Front filter -> Sponge (really cheap) -> Active carbon filter -> 3M filter (more costly, but still cheaper than HEAP replacement) -> HEPA

HEPA with 3M filter:


2017年11月6日 星期一

Buying a Air Purifier

Why? Because I have two cats, and I have allergic problems.  Well, nothing I can't live with, but the worse part is my cat has feline asthma.

After google-ing for a while, it seems those with multiple filters should be better, e.g. front filter for larger particles, active carbon filter in the middle for finer particles, and HEPA filter for PM2.5 particles.  HEPA is the crucial component, but it also comes with a limited lifespan, and it is expensive...  You cannot wash as it would ruin its structure and makes it useless.  Some people mentions you can vacuum clean it, but usually is not very effective.

Some brands have claimed their HEPA filters have 10 years lifespan... Obviously the filter would have a limited capacity for PM2.5 particles, and you can't wash it.  Can it really last that long?  Many brands would let you download their operation manual online.  I found one famous brand has the following assumptions:

Filter life is based on smoking 5 cigarettes/per day (10 years).   But according to the Specification of The Japan Electrical Manufacturer's Association JEM1467 if based on the conidtion of smoking 10 cigarettes per day, the replacement period is about 5 years.

Ok, more google-ing finds that 1 cigarette is around 12 mg of PM2.5 (I'm actually not too sure if this is correct: http://www.myhealthbeijing.com/pollution/is-pm2-5-from-air-pollution-the-same-as-from-smoking/)

The air purifier spec should tell you how much cubic meter of air it would handle per hour, the particular one I'm looking at has 150 cubic meter/hour.  So let's do some math

Air flow volume: 150 cubic meter/hour
PM2.5 in the place I live: ~ 45 μg/cubic meter

150 x 45 = 6750μg = 6.75mg/hour = 0.5625 cigarette

open 24 hour/day = 13.5 cigarettes/day =>  3.7 years
75% of theoretical figure ~ 2.8 years
50% of theoretical fiture ~ 1.85 years

open 12 hour/day = 6.75 cigarettes/day => 7.4 years
75% of theoretical figure ~ 5.6 years
50% of theoretical fiture ~ 3.7 years

Well, the figures doesn't seem too sad although it could quite far off the claimed lifespan under certain conditions and assumptions T_T

I couldn't help to further find out how much PM2.5 I'm inhaling per day though it's off topic...

an average person inhales ~ 0.5 cubic meter/hour at rest, 0.7 cubic meter/hour at light activity (maybe walking)

Take the average: 0.6 x 45 x 24 = 0.648mg  :D

2017年3月10日 星期五

Cacti - Using Data Query

Cacti's documentation is actually pretty comprehensive, and I would strongly recommend it.  I still write this only because I feel some parts may not be detailed enough in the doc.
Here is the URL for "data queries"

Data Query is a very useful and powerful tool to create graphs. There are basically two ways to do it in Cacti - (1) With SNMP, (2) With a script

With an external script, you can virtually do anything with it to accomplish some very complicated tasks.  But whenever it is possible to be done in SNMP query, please do it.  Running spine with pure snmp calls is often much more efficient than calling external scripts.

SNMP Query

(1) XML Template File:
  • Define an index
    <oid_index>, <oid_index_parse>, <oid_suffix>
  • Define input parameters
  • Define output parameters
IF-MIB example:
This is by far the simplest type and is bundled with Cacti in "resource/snmp_queries.interface.xml".  First, it has a OID that describes all its indexes
e.g. in my VM, snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxxxx localhost .
IF-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
IF-MIB::ifIndex.2 = INTEGER: 2

And then we would use the index obtained from <oid_index> to reference other OIDs
e.g. Description
snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxxx localhost .
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: lo
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: enp0s3

e.g. OutOctets
snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxxx localhost .
IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.1 = Counter32: 2792348  <= this is "lo" out octets
IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.2 = Counter32: 8936144  <= this is "enp0s3" out octets

However, reality is cruel and the MIB world isn't always so nice...  what if the index OID doesn't exist?  Take IF-MIB as an example, let's pretend that "<oid_index>.</oid_index>" isn't available, what can we do?  If you look at the "Description" OID again, you may have noticed that it already contains the "index" as part of its OID!
snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxxx localhost .
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: lo
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: enp0s3

Let's convert it to raw format to have a clearer look (-On)
snmpwalk -v2c -c public -On localhost .
. = STRING: lo
. = STRING: enp0s3

Here comes the "<oid_index_parse>" parameter, we want to extract part of the OID as the index. One thing though, to use this parameter you should at least have some basic knowledge on regular expression.

Now, in interface.xml, if you replace:

It should just work fine with the same behavior.

Below is some further examples from Cacti Doc, strongly recommended to go through it.

After you are done with the index part, the rest is relatively simple. Input are parameters that would help you create and describe your graph, while output are values that would actually appear in your graphs. Read through interface.xml, and create some graphs then you would fully understand.  To do it, just create a new device in "Management->devices", or simply use "Local Linux Machine" as a starting point.  Go to "Associated Data Queries" at the bottom, select "SNMP - Interface Statistics" and click "Add".  Then click "Create Graphs for this Device" near the top right corner.

One more note on the output parameter, some OIDs may not simply append the "index" part to the end... e.g.
<oid_suffix>1</oid_suffix> </Sample> 

Script Data Query

The idea is the same, but we do it in a script rather than the built-in snmp engine.  Take "resource/script_server/host_cpu.xml" and "scripts/ss_host_cpu.php" as example.

script to run

function name

<arg_prepend>|host_hostname| |host_id| |host_snmp_version|:|host_snmp_port|:|host_snmp_timeout|:|host_ping_retries|:|host_max_oids|:|host_snmp_community|:|host_snmp_username|:|host_snmp_password|:|host_snmp_auth_protocol|:|host_snmp_priv_passphrase|:|host_snmp_priv_protocol|:|host_snmp_context|</arg_prepend>

These refer to "$cmd" in the script

The <query_name> paramters refer to "$arg1" in the script
    <name>Processor Index Number</name>
    <name>Processor Usage</name>

Now we look at the "scripts/ss_host_cpu.php", you will find it has a funciton:
function ss_host_cpu($hostname, $host_id, $snmp_auth, $cmd, $arg1 = '', $arg2 = '')

Let's take a look at the argument part, $hostname refers to |hostname|, $hostid to |host_id|, $snmp_auth to the long colon separated snmp parameters. $cmd is the action, $arg1 is the "query_name" and $arg2 is the index obtained from "index" cmd.

Test by calling from command line:
# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" index


# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" num_indexes

Query CPU indexes
# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" query index

Query CPU usage
# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" query usage

Well, does it look right?  Let's make the CPU busy and try again.
run a busy loop by
# while [ 1 ]; do echo 123 > /dev/null; done

# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" query usage

Get individual
# php -q scripts/ss_host_cpu.php 1 1:161:500:1:5:"my_community":"":"":"":"":"":"" get usage 0

Once again, do read the official doc if you have time.

After you're done with the xml file, go to "Data Queries" and create a new one that points to your xml file.

Unfortunately, we are still few steps away from creating a graph with "Data Query", but the rest parts are pretty straight forward. The easiest way to understand it is to go through the network interface examples again, or read through Cacti's official doc.  I will leave out the details as I am lazy...

(2) Data Source Template
  • Interface - Errors/Discards
  • Interface - Non-Unicast Packets
  • Interface - Traffic
  • Interface - Unicast Packets

(3) Graph Template
  • Interface - Errors/Discards
  • Interface - Non-Unicast Packets
  • Interface - Traffic (bits/sec, 95th Percentile)
  • Interface - Traffic (bits/sec, Total Bandwidth)
  • Interface - Traffic (bits/sec)
  • Interface - Traffic (bytes/sec, Total Bandwidth)
  • Interface - Traffic (bytes/sec)
  • Interface - Unicast Packets

DEBUG: Use the "Verbose Query" feature in Device, it will help a lot when you are stuck.